A Brief History of The Windsor Coin Club
The Windsor Coin Club came into being in the early spring of 1951.
Its founder and first President was Mr. Robert C. Willey, The Club met regularly at the “Willistead Manor” the old home of the Walker family that was designed by the famous architect, Albert Kahn. The house is still a noted Windsor landmark.
Willistead Manor - Original location for The Windsor Coin Club
From its inception the Club expanded steadily as the hobby grew in popularity.
The first newsletter “The Bulletin” was issued in March 1958, edited by Albert McWha. who noted that the membership had grown to 50 at this time. By 1962 the Club had attained its largest membership yet and hosted a two-day show at the famous downtown Norton Palmer Hotel that was attended by 1200 persons. This was a huge success for its time, as it would be today.
In retrospect, this was our Club’s first Annual Show as it has been held at least once every year since. As the 1960’s wore on, interest in numismatics waned somewhat and the Club has seen periods of good and bad times through the intervening years.
In 1997, the Club hosted the O.N.A Convention in the Ramada Inn on the riverforont. (The Ramada no longer exists, being the last private property to front on the river between the Ambassador bridge and Walkers.)
Beginning in 1998, until recently the Club published a monthly newsletter, “The Collector” written and edited by Tom Clarke.
The Club began to grow in number to its present active membership of 75 with a regular meeting turnout averaging 45 persons. As of 2010 the Windsor Coin Club has decided to enter the digital age to expand the horizon of the club through its new website windsorcoinclub.com created and edited by club member and web master Jody Filiault with expectations to reach, educate and allow people interested in the collecting and sharing of the numismatic field.
The Windsor Coin Club held its 50th Anniversary Dinner at the Caboto Club on October 15th, 2001, at which time C.N.A. President Tom Kennedy and O.N.A. President Mike Hollingshead were invited guests. All the surviving past Presidents of the Windsor Coin Club were invited and recognized by the membership for their contributions to the Club. Since that evening the energies of the Club have been devoted to preparations for this particular event. We are proud supporters of the C.N.A and are grateful for the opportunity to host this host prestigious event here in Windsor.
Now well into the new millineum the Windsor Coin Club has been given the opportunity to host the 2011 R.C.N.A convention, (formerly C.N.A) located in the heart of downtown Windsor with greater expectations then previous years.